
Jennifer Cooke

 Scenic City Chorus is fortunate to call Jennifer Cooke our director.  Her ever-expanding talent and passion for barbershop knows no bounds!

Jen started singing barbershop at a young age with her mom, dad, and sister in Marion, Ohio. She brought this love of four-part harmony with her to Nashville, Tennessee, where she joined Sweet Adelines International (SA) in 2000, becoming an integral part of the organization. 
She is a Certified Director through SA's Director Certification Program and achieved the status of Master Director (regional competition chorus score of 600 or more.) She served on past SA International Board of Directors and Regional Leadership Committees.
Jen is a valued and beloved chorus and quartet coach in many SA regions and across barbershop organizations. She has a thriving business creating learning tracks for choruses and quartets all over the world. She has also created tracks used by SA for competition folios, and for several international educational events.
A marvelous, talented lead—Jen has sung in many award-winning quartets over the years, and currently sings with SAI quartet Presto! and Harmony Inc. quartet Swing Theory.  She has also sung with international chorus competitors, Metro Nashville Chorus (former member) and Song of Atlanta Chorus (current member).

Jen also brings her love of barbershop harmony to her communities by lending her talents to educational events such as Hamilton Sings, sharing the art form with local students.  She has fostered the continuation of harmony singing during the pandemic by forming and administering several virtual events, committees, and performance groups.  She has assisted other choruses by producing virtual quartet and chorus performance videos, helping the barbershop world stay connected and continuing to make music.

Jen's unwavering positivity and dedication to our chorus helps us continually be better musicians and friends.  Each year under her fantastic direction has been better than the last.  We can't wait to see where this marvelous road will lead!

Copyright © 2025 Scenic City Chorus